Celebrating Culinary Excellence: Mexican Gastronomic Congress 2024

Mexico is a country renowned for its vibrant culture and rich culinary heritage, recently witnessing a celebration of gastronomic brilliance at the fifth edition of the prestigious Oficios Culinarios.

The Culinary Congress “Oficios Culinarios” brings together the prominent actors of the Mexican gastronomic scene. This annual event recognizes and honors the outstanding achievements of chefs and restaurants who have contributed significantly to the diverse and delicious world of Mexican cuisine.

Within the framework of this great national meeting, Grupo Culinaria Mexicana presents the 250 awards to recognize responsible projects that provide food without damaging the environment and benefit society.

To select the list of 250 restaurants that make up the emblematic Larousse de Cocina publication, an Editorial Board of Voters is formed made up of 60 figures from the culinary industry, including editors of large publications, food photographers, businessmen and journalists. This advice is seen in the task of choosing the 250 restaurants based on a tool made up of 15 items within three pillars:

Supply: Refers to timely payment to suppliers, promotion of local products and improvement in commercial practices

Society: Refers to improvement in the work practices of work teams, promotion of salary competitiveness of positions and certification for the career development of each employee.

Environment: Refers to the commitment to the environmental agenda, use of resources, recycling and inclusion of labor and human rights.

This Mexican Gastronomic distinctive serve as a platform to honor the passion, creativity and dedication of people and establishments that contribute to the constant evolution of Mexican cuisine. As we celebrate those who make up the annual publication, they not only recognize the achievements of the culinary world but also inspire a new generation of chefs and food enthusiasts to continue pushing the boundaries and exploring the endless possibilities that Mexican cuisine has to offer.

The delivery of the 250 special recognitions to the most important actors in the culinary sceane took place during the Mexico Gastronomic 250 Gala Dinner on January 21. Nine restaurants in Baja California Sur stand out on the list: Sunset Monalisa, Lumbre, Jazamango, Mezcal, Comal, DUM and Nido, also participating in Culinary Awards 2023. We extend congratulations to Don Sánchez and Torote.

Congratulations!! Let’s continue cooking successes for the gastronomy of Baja California Sur!

To explore the complete list #250mx2024, the Larousse Mexico Gastronomic Guide 2024 is now available.